What can you take from this? Well if I was a a betting man, I'd say that it has something to do with a supporting role, not that they'd actually be getting him to play Singerman himself. I'd say it's most likely for a bigger role as some kind of villain. While Bloom is a talented actor, he's about as masculine as a bouquet of daisies, so the thought of him playing any serious kind of super-villain is a bit laughable to me. Do we really want to see a pretty boy General Zod or Metallo? Not that we want to see another Singerman film to begin with mind you. I just cant help but laughing at the thought of Brandon Routh fighting Orlando Bloom in an "epic" hero/villain battle. It's going to look like something out of Zoolander.
And say didnt Alan Horn fess up to the fact that the first Singerman missed the mark especially with young male audiences due to an overall lack of action? Well hey, everything should be "A-OK" now, because you know that NOBODY screams action and brings in the young male demographic like ummm... Orlando Bloom? Last I checked, he was female eye candy. Then again, Singer does like him some chick flicks. Seriously, are they even trying anymore?
Actually, I think Orlando Bloom would be perfectly suited to the difficult task of portraying Toyman.
Seriously though, I doubt there's much too this, but you have to admit he would definitely bring in a few more young female viewers.
And then again, maybe it's not actually for "Singerman" at all. Maybe they were discussing roles for his World War II film.
that WW2 movie has nothing to do with With Jon Peters. if this meeting did in fact happen, it was about Singerman 2. And as SSS pointed out, this franchise doesnt need more female viewers, it needs more male ones, at least according to Alan Horn.
It needs both but this is a nothing story from a nothing source, not even worth getting into.
I can't wait to see Routh and Bloom in a good, clean fistfuck ... err ... FIGHT! The Brokeback audience will run to the theatres like little kids to Neverland!!!
DUN DUN DUN. here comes the cliche soap opera twist, ladies! Orlando bloom is Jason's real father!
This could be a positive thing if they're going to recast Lois Lane from Bosworth to Bloom.
I could buy Bloom as Lois more than Bosworth's attempt.
Can't you just imagine though, a "serious" super fight between Routh and Bloom? Such a crazy, lame and gay idea that this story must be true.
Wow this site has just admitted Superman is returning in 2009! Thats great if Bloom is meeting with singer that means the project is greenlite and as my sources confirmed moving forward. AP time to eat crow! "Denialist" now have lost. I think this would be a great coup by singer!
Man of Steel in 2009!
Other then name calling me we have just got SSS prove the project is moving forward so HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SSS is now my bitch!!!!!!!
You need a girl, mate...
"Wow this site has just admitted Superman is returning in 2009! Thats great if Bloom is meeting with singer that means the project is greenlite and as my sources confirmed moving forward. AP time to eat crow! "Denialist" now have lost. I think this would be a great coup by singer!
Man of Steel in 2009!
Other then name calling me we have just got SSS prove the project is moving forward so HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SSS is now my bitch!!!!!!"
Wow, how can you NOT laugh at this douche? He has "sources" (i.e. OTHER posters at Bluenuts), who tell him it has been "greenlite". Would anyone with an ounce of intelligence believe someone who doesn't even know the CORRECT TERM is "greenlit"?
Wait, scratch that. Who could believe ANYONE who posts at Bluenuts PERIOD?
Ladyboy, you need to get your face out from between BS' cheeks and see the REAL WORLD around you. It smells a little bit better too, I bet.
yes, SSS posting a rumor from Justjared.com about Singer meeting with Bloom totally makes him your bitch...totally...ya know considering he's never said that the project wasnt moving forward and all.
seriously Restart, just choke yourself with a coat hanger and finish the abortion that your mother should've had.
what kills me about Retard, is that he thinks that Singer and Peters talking to Bloom somehow means that the Singerman sequel is a done deal. Movies arent GREENLIT until a script and budget is approved. Directors talk to different actors all the time before a script is even finalized. Singer talking to Bloom doesnt mean jack squat, other than that Singer is terrible at casting. C'mon Orlamndo Bloom as a supervilliam? Yeah , you're really WINNING there. You got us.
Hello my name a Bilo. I am a retardation. Favorite of my movies is a Superman Returns.
Why there no khram in homosexual moviefilm?
"Hello my name a Bilo. I am a retardation. Favorite of my movies is a Superman Returns.
Why there no khram in homosexual moviefilm?"
Drug addicts really need to stop posting here.
This obviously means that Singer wants Bloom for Supes, poor Routh, loosing out to Bloom, well, Bloom did once date Bosworth, maybe he could get a rise, in a career and acting sense out of her.
Bloom for Singerman II.
Hello Bilo, yes many retards list Superman Returns as a favorite movie, so you're not alone.
Wow! Abortions, butt ramming of singer, and virginity. Is there anything you guys left out? For months the SSS loser has said wow this project has been cancelled. JLA movie, firing of other directors, etc. Don't you find it odd now he post how production is moving forward. SSS then tries to twisted like its bad news. Seeing how angry i got you all and AP nice classic post means I am right. You are pissed production is going forward. When production is in full swing i will come here to laugh my asses off on all you pathetic little people. And i agree he would make an excellent Toy man or Mxylplxc.
Bloom and Routh dominate the box office in 2009!
SSS thanks again for confirming the project is moving forward. "greenlite" mean the projects a "go" and so far I have yet to find one link that disproves that FACT!
SSS, AP, and all you other Denialists have been owned by your own website. I will post the link on other websites as proof project is moving forward.
For months the SSS loser has said wow this project has been cancelled.
Umm show us one post where SSS said the project was cancelled? He posted a link to the rumors of the JLA film taking Singerman 2's place. Apparently you have the reading comprehension of a doorknob.
SSS, AP, and all you other Denialists have been owned by your own website. I will post the link on other websites as proof project is moving forward.
yes, you've beaten all of us. You're the winner, just like you were in the special olympics. Savor the victory.
How pathetic that Bloom has to come on board to rescue the banality of Singerman.
Seriously. His only credits are to succes are when he is attached to the projects of others. His own starring roles have been duds. Even Tom Welling's "The Fog" opened larger than a vehicle Bloom was the star of.
Just goes to show us all the Singer and Warner's are flailing about to do anything to make a buck.
Singer's vision was a failure, reboot this project, so we can a be happier, smarter, and the project can be well received.
Given the fact that the writers best scenes in Singerman were stolen from another writer, tells us this is going to crap.
WB's too dumb to restart. unfortunately since they're WB, I fully expect them to have to jump off a cliff to see whether it would kill them or not. That cliff will be Superboy and Bloom Adventures.
Please to tell me why no khram in homosexual moviefilm? Only he Superman in a little girl panties? Why no kissings with the young boy Luis Lane?
"SSS, AP, and all you other Denialists have been owned by your own website. I will post the link on other websites as proof project is moving forward."
You deny rumor after rumor that the project is in trouble, but the moment a RUMOR comes along which happens to work for you, you take it as PROOF of something?!?
You sir, have made my week!
"You deny rumor after rumor that the project is in trouble, but the moment a RUMOR comes along which happens to work for you, you take it as PROOF of something?!?
You sir, have made my week!"
Isn't it obvious by now he is a juvenile? His spelling AND out and out lack of common-sense should be indicative of this.
For god's sake, he thinks a project gets "greenlite", DESPITE numerous postings correcting him.
Wow all you above got is name calling. Let me help you with the concept. LAST 2 STORIES "SINGER FLIGHT DELAYED AND JLA MOVIE" Push the rumor this project is on the down turn. THEN AS THE MORON ABOVE "POOF" ORLANDO BLOOM MAY BE ATTACHED TO THIS PROJECT. COME NOW DONT YOU SEE THE CONTRADICTIONS THIS OWN SITE MAKES. Boy you denialists are dumb. Once again all the morons above have to post on link saying the project is not on track. If you idiots were defense attoneys your client would be frying!!!!!
Must burn you guys up Superman returns in 2009!
Priceless, just priceless. What a retard
Now it's Harvey Milk for Singer after his WW2 film with Cruise, then, perhaps, the sequel. Yeah right.
Gay Superman, Harvey Milk, what's next for Singer? A Village People biopic? He'd change their outfits too though, no doubt.
everybody! Apologists will cry this day.
Singer's scouting another project besides that tom cruise war movie. You know what this could mean for comic fans? It could indicate that he'll ABANDON MAKING SUPES MOVIES LIKE HE ABANDONED X-MEN MOVIES! hoorah! HOORAH! HOORAH!
Provide a link. Without a link, you just typing that in means nothing.
Look on the front page.
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