Thanks to everyone who sent us this link over the past few weeks. We weren't going to post this at first since it was just a fan-made trailer (albeit one of the BEST we've ever seen). But the online response to this thing has been pretty impressive to say the least so we figured we'd give it some more pub here for those of you who havent seen it, and maybe, just maybe, people in "high places" will get some ideas from it.
LOL Very good fan conept trailer by Hype regular, Wormy T.
Imagine a superman movie for a new generation...
WB would be wise to hear the fan's voices on this one. Will they? If Batman Begins is any indication, there may be hope.
Apologist ranting in 3. 2. 1...
Great another blotted useless action movie, just like spiderman 3 will be. I would rather Singer continue by making the sequel and improve on the formula then see a nonstop blowup celliod garage this trailer appears to be. Superman fights 4 criminals in 90 min and no character developement. This is why Superman will be the
Man of steel in 2009!
ReTard you truly are a fool of galactic proportions.
What superhero movie is ever 90 minutes long???
As for it being a "useless action movie", as opposed to Singer's useless chick flick? Usually movies sacrifice action for the sake of character development. Singerman had no action but it also had no significant character development. All it did was stand to tarnish the iconic characters it was given to work with. Take off your Apologist blinders for once.
Ya know, I probably would be more excited about this trailer if Smallville didn't suck shit through a tube these days.
As for whether SV is still better than Singerman, to me it's kind of like trying to figure out if cow shit is better than dog shit. Who cares, they're both still shit!
- t
I've actually rather liked Smallville this season. Regardless, I'd take Welling as Superman without using any of the rest of the cast, although Mike Rosenbaum is awesome as Lex.
here's your Clark Kent, right here. Just put some glasses on him:
What superhero movie is ever 90 minutes long???
That video has been out for a while. It's good.
Taking Steve Younis' SR tour is equivelant to taking the tour of the rape scene of your childhood hero.
I can see it now:
"This is the spot where Singerman hid in the bushes stalking Lois"
"This is the spot where Kate Bosworth stood like a skinny plank. Well as a matter of fact, that's this spot too, and this one, and this one and this one"
"This is the post were Singerman was weakened by the Kryptonite island. And this spot 5 feet away from it, is where he picked the whole island up without any ill effects."
Considering i hate Smallville that trailer did very little for me.
What does Steve Younis' Superman tour have to do with this entry?
If you have some kind of vendetta against Steve Younis maybe you should man up and go to his site and tell him what you think of the tour.
The only thing Superman has going for him at this point is nostalgia, a nostalgia that Singer tried to capitalized on that fell flat on its face.
A film in the vain of Smallville would have been a very good way to rejuvenate Supes to the Spiderman crowd.
Seeing that SV has all the intangibles along the same lines of the wildly successful Spiderman films that would make it appeal to the general 12 to 25 masses both guys and gals (A very strong cash cow demo) plus it has very a modern pop culture relevance and sex appeal in its lead and its supporting players that SR clearly does not to draw in folks who may not be similar with the TV series plus in the end it would still be Superman.
A fresh take on a character that is very much in need of fresh blood.
"Seeing that SV has all the intangibles along the same lines of the wildly successful Spiderman films that would make it appeal to the general 12 to 25 masses both guys and gals (A very strong cash cow demo) plus it has very a modern pop culture relevance and sex appeal in its lead and its supporting players that SR clearly does not to draw in folks who may not be similar with the TV series plus in the end it would still be Superman."
Well if you are a big comic fan of Superman than you hate Smallville because that show has been spitting all over the comics for years. I don't see that direction being a big hit because Welling while known is not a big star that appeals to the masses. SV is on cable, not seen by 20 mil people a week on NBC or something.
Smallville reworks the Superman lore from its roots while Superman Returns craps it out from Singer's ass.
"Smallville reworks the Superman lore from its roots while Superman Returns craps it out from Singer's ass."
Smallville spits all over Superman's roots are you kidding me? There are about 10 things on that show i can name right now that i bet the people over at DC shake their heads at in disgust week after week.
"Taking Steve Younis' SR tour is equivelant to taking the tour of the rape scene of your childhood hero."
Especially when the Tour Guide is dressed as a pedophile!
"Especially when the Tour Guide is dressed as a pedophile!"
What do you guys have against Steve? There is nobody more dedicated to or knows more about Superman than him. His site embraces all things Superman not just SR.
Smallville fans have 6+ seasons of their hero while Singerman looks to be going the way of Aug Lee’s Hulk while Singer focuses on rebuilding his reputation with films about brokeback politicians.
What was Time Warner thinking targeting the 40 year old set who grew up with Reeve’s Supes films with Singer’s SR hoping that it would make enough to justify the films overall budget and advertising cost?
Don’t they know if you make it appeal to the Neutrogena set they will come. Look no farther then X3 with all the Ratner hating beforehand.
The great thing about SV is that like the Spiderman films, even though it takes liberties with the source material it stays true to the characters and their original internalizations while putting a new spin on them to keep it with the times.
Yeah, yeah, yeah Rami himself also shits all over the Spidey mythos (Have you seen his Venom-----but damn does it look like its going to kick ass!) come next week you will find out that comic fanboys are a very small minority in comparison to preteens, teenagers and twenty something’s all whom could give two pieces of shit about bitching on the internet.
Hey you guys still talking about superboy begins? Wow it's been a friggin year...
Anyway don't tell sony but I'm 'acquiring' some new movie of theirs through the wonders of technology...
as a special treat, I'll post my thoughts on it here if I ever get it.
ok, well, keep the comics alive!
Well if you are a big comic fan of Superman than you hate Smallville because that show has been spitting all over the comics for years.
That's bullshit, I've been reading the comics since the late 1970's and I think SV is great. It doesnt "spit" all over the comics. It's just it's own take on the legend. And considering for a good portion of the past 15 years the Superman comics have sucked, spitting on them might not be a bad thing.
I don't see that direction being a big hit because Welling while known is not a big star that appeals to the masses. SV is on cable, not seen by 20 mil people a week on NBC or something.
Smallville isnt on cable. it's been on the WB and now the CW. YOu dont need cable to get either of those channels.
Don't forget the head writers for SV Millar and Gough also wrote Spider-Man 2. Maybe in the future they and Raimi could get together and do for Superman what they did for Spiderman.
The bottom line is how many teeny bopper types do you think relate to “truth, justice and the American way? As opposed to an every person geek who gets superpowers at a point in his life when everything is up in the air, think puberty and adolescences. Superman has and will be their parent’s superhero.
Of course the Clark Kent on Smallville isn’t an every geek like Peter Parker but the character does go through a lot of the same sophomoric drama and tensions that will resonate and cause empathy in the context of its timeline with target audiences.
All of which if were a huge part of the film’s underlining storyline along with superpowers and a super powered villain would most likely do very well in the middle of a summer box office if budgeted modesty.
After what happened with SR last summer its going to be a while until Time Warner decides to produce Supes’ films past the 200 million dollar point for fear of incurring huge sunk cost once again.
Who would have thunk? That trailer looked damn good. Ya, I'd pay to see that movie. Balls to the walls action, a sexy Lois, coy Superman, and real super villains. Sweet!
I think Smallville gets a bum wrap because of the stupid teeny bopper garbage they do, but Welling has really stepped up to the plate recently. He's got a smooth muscular build and a surprisingly good look with glasses -
Ya, I'd buy that for a dollar. Too bad the WB monkeys though Stalkerman was a better idea for a Superman film. Pathetic.
Yeah, I think we are going to see TW's version of Adult Clark Kent in NOIR. It should be fun.
"Yeah, I think we are going to see TW's version of Adult Clark Kent in NOIR. It should be fun."
Yeah that looks pretty good in what has been i feel an otherwise so so season of Smallville. I liked last season much better.
FINALLY WE'RE GETTING A REAL SUPERMAN MOVIE... even though it's a cartoon, still it'll be closer to the comic than the donner rehash from last year.
From the people that brought us the hit series Superman The animated series and Batman and Batman the Dark Knight, Bruce Timm!!11 and Dwayne Capizzi!
trailer for Superman: Doomsday! The death of Superman!
What Superman should have looked like as drawn and endorsed by the great Alex Ross
Nice Alex Ross art up there, as for SV and the comics. The direction of Smallville has actually has been a huge influence on Supes in the comic medium.
Look no farther then Superman: Birthright; a retelling of the Supes origin where a young Lex Luthor befriends Clark in high school.
In addition the rights to the Chloe Sullivan character have also been brought up by DC.
Unlike SR and its super kid which no legit DC writer would touch with a ten foot pole.
Now wait a minute, pal. I actually liked Jennifer or was it Jason? Seriously super kid looked and talked like a little girl. Why? Well whatever, seems Home Alone 5 has a candidate for the lead role now since the little girl won't be flying around in any sequel making all the comic fans groan collectively.
sigh, Thank jesus.
I have to say it's really sad the Death of Superman Story is mostly written off as "a publicity stunt" which it was. But I'll be damned if it wasn't the best, if not one of the best superman stories to ever be done in the comics. It got a little retarded after that story though with all the supermen stuff.
wow only 29. I think this site is dead.
Long Live Singer in 2009!
I may take over this blog to post my preview to the sequel. Now that would be awesome. What you asy AP? Oh thats right I owned your ass. THIS SITE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!
Probably because this post has more to do with Smallville than SR.
The blog's dead like the hype for a Singerman sequel. We argued about that piece of shit for 10 months now, time to burry it with the SR DVD and wait for the reboot.
Singerman is gone - long live \S/UPERMAN
>>>>> Superman Begins 2012 <<<<<
Although a good time for SSS to call it might be after Spiderman 3 is released and leaves no doubt who is the king of heroes at the box office when the one year anniversary of the bomb that is The Man of Queer comes around.
Just out of curiousity why is Superman expected to make Spiderman type of money when no other comic movie has done so. Not, Batman, X-Men, Hulk, Fantastic Four none of them have done that. Saying Superman is the best of all time in the comics so he should be at the BO is kind of a lame fanboy argument.
This BLOG is built on the premise of lame fanboy arguments, created by a bitter fanboy with too much time on his hands.
Superman Returns was expected to make Spiderman type of money because according to Entertainment Weekly (A Time Warner publication)
“.IT'S SUPEREXPENSIVE[ ]. By most reckonings, Superman Returns will likely need to gross over $600 million worldwide TO MAKE ITS MONEY BACK, a feat only two superhero adaptations have ever accomplished: Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.”
“.IT'S SUPEREXPENSIVE[ ]. By most reckonings, Superman Returns will likely need to gross over $600 million worldwide TO MAKE ITS MONEY BACK, a feat only two superhero adaptations have ever accomplished: Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.”
That was WB mistake then spending that kind of money expecting those kind of returns given that no other comic film has come close to Spiderman.
Not even a mention. Looks like Christain Bale won't be returning the favor this year by presenting an award to Routh. Who?
What does it say when "My Super Ex Girlfriend" gets a nomination and the supposed most popular superhero is totally overlooked by the youth demographic.....
It speaks volumes as to the problem
What also speaks volumes is Steve Younis posting "news" from the ever reliable Jon Peters re the progress of the sequel (none) and then posting in the forum that people need to refrain from negative comments as they're "talking about the sequel"
Priceless, just priceless
Ken at least have the balls to post with your real name.
Huh? I posted the above comment after reading Younis's site. My name's not "Ken" dickbrain.
There's more than one person who dislikes Returns you idiot
So then the fact that you posted on here just 5 minutes before the person (I think you are) on SHH and said the exact same thing is coincidence?
But if you kept reading you would see that he was just trying to keep the comments on topic since it's not a forum to discuss whether the movie sucked or not. Those are in the actual forums.
He's done the same thing on the Smallville news topics when they veer off into "Smallville Sucks" and "Smallville is awesome" fights.
But if you are not Ken then why not get on SHH and say what you just posted in here on there? I mean if you are going to go off topic over here, you might as well go over there. Then you can report SY's response to you.
This blog's the only place you can get Honest true superman fans expressing themselves about Singer's stupid decisions.
Every other forum and site for superman is getting perks from WB to keep quiet about their true feelings.
Thankfully this place isn't one of them.
Long live the comic superman, SSS.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter May 2, 2007
The Hollywood Reporter talked to producer Jon Peters about the sequel to Superman Returns and here's a clip:
THR: What stage is the next installment of "Superman" in?
Peters: Right now, Bryan Singer is working on the story, and hopefully, that will be a script by the end of the year. And hopefully, we'll be in preproduction by, say, January or February of next year. "Superman Returns" was an amazing effort. You're talking about a story that's been made before; you're talking about the fact that we had to re-explore his youth, his origin. And now, the second movie allows us to go do things that people haven't seen before. Bryan is the best director I've ever worked with. It's very easy to produce or be with someone who's a brilliant, brilliant person. I equate my relationship with Bryan to the relationship I had with Barbra Streisand. Barbra was so gifted that it was easy to be able to adjust a little bit here or there. With Bryan, it's the same thing. He's a great person, and it's amazing cause he's such a sweet guy. He's almost like one of my kids, in a way.
Check out the full interview at the link above!
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See back in 2009!
LOL Singer's the son of John Peters
Here comes the giant spider and polar bears in Superman and Son!
"Every other forum and site for superman is getting perks from WB to keep quiet about their true feelings."
Any news on who that second gunman on the grassy knowl was yet?
"Every other forum and site for superman is getting perks from WB to keep quiet about their true feelings."
LMAO...How can you possibly know this? Do you know that personally? Or are you just taking a guess because the studio that made Superman Returns gave one of the biggest superman fansites on the net exclusive access to the set?
And I'm sorry, but those guys aren't being muzzled by anyone. Hell Neal Bailey just got a job writing for Smallville magazine and he still rips the show.
"Any news on who that second gunman on the grassy knowl was yet? "
Seriously...There seems to be a conspiracy theory for everything anymore...
Oh and for all the haters, I'm sure you would have turned down a chance to visit the set before the movie came out. Any of you who say know are lying there ass off.
Honestly never thought I'd see it but there it was at bluetights. A bunch of superman fanboys sucking John Peter's dick out in the open.
I'm speechless.
I know this because WB collaborated with bluetights with the blogs and it's common practice now for studios to try to butter up geek sites. Live in your bubble where that kind of stuff doesn't happen but the rest of us will still be here in the real world knowing it does and is.
"I know this because WB collaborated with bluetights with the blogs and it's common practice now for studios to try to butter up geek sites. Live in your bubble where that kind of stuff doesn't happen but the rest of us will still be here in the real world knowing it does and is."
What does that have to do with the people that occupy that site? There are tons of people in there that loved the movie and some that did not. Bluetights is not an all Pro-SR forum where you are banned if you utter a bad phrase about the movie. You are allowed to say pretty much whatever you want there as long as you are not cursing like crazy, like so many people do in here. BTW the MODS are not WB's pocket either because one of them on BT's openly says all the time on that forum how much he hated SR.
"I know this because WB collaborated with bluetights with the blogs and it's common practice now for studios to try to butter up geek sites"
Of course they butter up the geek sites. But that doesn't mean that hiding their true feelings about the movie is any caveat to the deal. And the above poster is right. Every guy who reviewed the movie had some problems with it, but unlike some people it didn't ruin their enjoyment of the movie. And in the forums you are allowed to hate on SR as long as you want, as long as you don't get into personal attacks on other posters.
I mean, were you banned from the site or something. Because you have a huuuuge axe to grind with Steve younis.
to me it sounds like either jealousy or anger over something he did personally to you.
who's steve Younis?
Well at least we agree that the geek sites are getting their dicks stroked by studios.
It does anger me, but not enough to kill like superman and his kid do in Returns.
"who's steve Younis?"
swright's lover, that's who.
Well, you'd think so as the only time swright posts is to defend Younis and co.
Not "Ken"
"I'm sure you would have turned down a chance to visit the set before the movie came out. Any of you who say know are lying there ass off." ....swright
Oh swright must be RetArd! Neither of them can spell and both talk shit. Yes or know?
No I'm not Restart. And I don't talk shit. I leave that to the pussy's who post on here anonymously.
Say what you want about AP, but at least he has the balls to post under a screen name.
I defend anyone who is being unjustly crucified. And you and your rants against Younis and the Homepage are immature and ridiculous. But I expect nothing better from you.
"I defend anyone who is being unjustly crucified. And you and your rants against Younis and the Homepage are immature and ridiculous. But I expect nothing better from you."
Those rants make no sense given that Steve loves all things Superman not just SR. So maybe some disagree with his views on SR, big deal. None of that changes the fact that he both loves and supports Superman in every way possible. Just check out Superman Homepage if you doubt that.
I hate smallville almost as much as i hate Superman Returns. Not that Smallville isnt good for a laugh So the idea of Tom "i cant act" Welling playing Superman dosnt have any more apeall then seeing Bradon "i really cant act" Routh play Superman again. I think i will stick with the Chris Reeve movie, George Reeves TV Show The Animated Series, & Lois and Clark
smallville has done something that no other medium featuring superman has managed to do. It's made it uncamp. The whole comics business is silly considering the comics are not good, it takes the best elements from the comics and makes a modern non cheesy take. the comics suck balls, superman has not even had a good run in comics, spiderman has had various great runs, many people alwsys say they are hard pressed to find good superman comics. I can't believe they put as much of the comic as they do on smallville, superman returns puts WAY less and is boring as hell, whilst smallville is entertaining.
the people who hate smallville and love superman returns are from SHH and most fo them are 10-13 years old. true.
I have to disagree with the comment that isnt cheesy. I have to disagree. Smallville is very cheesy and most of the time is laughable. The Aquaman episode and the guy who played him where more funny then dramatic. Plus the show dosnt modernized the mythos of superman. No it pretty much changes it. Jor-el is more of a jackass then a loving father and everybody that clark kent is supposed to meet in "metropolis" is right there in smallvile. so the idea that he could actually become superman is really stupid. I agree Superman Returns is really boring. But i hate Smallville for the same reason i hate Superman Returns. Its just not Superman. As far as any good Superman books. Well what about All Star Superman, Kingdom Come, Superman for all Season and Man of Steel.
lol. TW looks like chicken little.
c'mon, can WB find a man to play superman?
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