Friday, July 01, 2011

New Blog

Hey There,

For anyone who still comes by from time-to-time, there's a new Blog for the Zack Snyder Reboot:

Join up at the Forum as well!


Alberto said...

I know we're talking approximately six years later but if Christopher Reeve were alive and saw Singer's Superman Returns, he probably would of been pissed...

batman costumes said...

hi, great posts

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that site is pretty much done. It was done with back in 2011 with no posts since then so I guess people weren't interested in hearing what ApologistPuncher had to say.

Anonymous said...

Singer is a FAG and Superman Returns was gay.

Kapt. Blasto said...

I would have just redid Superman's how I would have done the one scene where Vera gets turned into that freaky robot, pre-borg....

Instead of taking a finger beam, and levitating Loreli to Stick on the side of the cavern....I would have had Borg Vera attempt to kill Loreli, by putting a finger-shiv right between her eyes, and have it come out the back of her blonde tresses, extending three feet out, ala T-1000 in Terminator 2:Judgement day.

BUT: Just as Borg-Vera can almost taste the spoils of her first kill as The Evil Computer's new biatch...Loreli,with shiv still in head starts to laugh, slowly at first...then a little more...and she grabs the finger-shiv, at her forehead, and starts pulling it out of her head....all three feet of it, and just the tip of Borg-Vera's finger shiv gets backed out of Loreli's pretty little head, Loreli breaks the tip of it off, and says to a now-slackjawed Borg Vera, "Damn, broke a nail......lets try mine!" And from her fingers come ten very long, very razor-sharp steel nails (ala S-IV's Nuclear Man's! So you can connect the dots where Nuclear Man gets his manicure from!)

Well, you do remember Evil Superman and Loreli had a little tryst earlier in S-III, right??

Actions have consequences, right?

Well, the little boat found its way, and delivered its oil to the refinery, didn't it (heh heh heh)

Superman returns to the Cave, and finds Loreli, standing in front of the Super-Computer, and, of course....amid of what remains of Gus, Ross and Borg-Vera.

She calmly walks up to Superman, and says "Give me your hand...." and taking Superman's hand...and without breaking eye contact, she places his hand right on her tummy.

She says the next line very slowly, and very smooth and very lady-like cold....

"So, that guys gone? Well...I know where he went....We BOTH know where he went, now....don't we?"

Now Superdude has got some serious 'splainin to do with Lois....maybe he just should have ate the Kryptonite.....


Kapt Blasto!