Friday, December 01, 2006

Miscellaneous Bits: 12/1/06

Some rather interesting tidbits from around the internet about the goings-on with Singerman, the DVD, Warner Brothers, etc. that dont quite deserve their own postings, but are none the less still intriguing to read.
  • Apparently there are some BIG problems with some of the DVD's in the "Superman: Ultimate Collector's Edition" Box Sets. And we mean besides that DVD they shoe-horned in there with Singerman on it to try and help boost it's sales numbers. [DigitalBits]
  • Singerman's box office apparently wasn't the only thing that we were expecting to be "bigger." Those Hi-Def DVD's show EVERYTHING, don't they? [Defamer]
  • You know how Singerman having a kid in the film really sucked? Well Singer doesn't care, and he wants to give you a whole lot more of him in the sequel! Better hide your musical instruments! [Rotten Tomatoes]
  • An amusing review of the Singerman HD DVD: "Bryan Singer's 'Superman Returns' is instead best described as an unapologetic cinematic love letter to Richard Donner's 1978 blockbuster 'Superman: The Movie.' Never have I seen a movie so in love with another movie -- I'm sure if Singer could have somehow CGI'd Christopher Reeve and Kate Bosworth together, and had them spawn bald children that looked like a cross between Margot Kidder and Gene Hackman, he would have done it." [High-Def Digest]
  • OK, so which one of you anonymous commenters is a TV critic for The Boston Herald? []


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Anonymous said...

And you are pathetic for it. Fucking losers, every one of you....

Anonymous said...

Superman Returns will Kick Pirate butt just you wait.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, by next week Singerman will be LUCKY to be in the top 4 in DVD sales, what with Talladega Nights AND Devil Wears Prada coming out. That movie should have been called "The Devil Wears Prada While Kicking Superman Returns Ass". Because it's true.

Anonymous said...

"And you are pathetic for it. Fucking losers, every one of you.... "

Says the loser who doesn't realise how hypocritical he really is. News Flash-when you go to a site that was created to bitch about a movie and call people names just because you didn't like the movie then you are as pathetic as the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

That movie should have been called "The Devil Wears Prada While Kicking Superman Returns Ass".

LOL Nice. If you go by economies of scale and a strictly "cost to profit" sense, Ann Hathaway had her way with Singerman.

Anonymous said...

"Says the loser who doesn't realise how hypocritical he really is. News Flash-when you go to a site that was created to bitch about a movie and call people names just because you didn't like the movie then you are as pathetic as the rest of us."

Don't even attempt to lump me in with you losers. I'm here for the exact reason this Blog is: To talk about how much this "film" sucked. YOU on the other hand, ADMIT you are here to "Defend" this piece of shit.

What does it all mean? It means you are a pathetic loser....

Anonymous said...

"What does it all mean? It means you are a pathetic loser.... "

You are so fucking clueless, it's a wonder you know how to read and write. LOL..Fanboy saddest guys on the internet.

Anonymous said...

"You are so fucking clueless, it's a wonder you know how to read and write. LOL..Fanboy saddest guys on the internet."

This coming from an "Apologist" from who ADMITS he comes here to "Defend" a shitty movie?? YOU call others "sad"?? What a fucking pathetic loser. Not just "pathetic". FUCKING PATHETIC.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for all the people who rented the dvd expecting to enjoy a fun superman film and instead find a retarded twigh light zone version of superman the movie, ooooouch

Anonymous said...

This coming from an "Apologist" from who ADMITS he comes here to "Defend" a shitty movie?? YOU call others "sad"?? What a fucking pathetic loser. Not just "pathetic". FUCKING PATHETIC.

What's more pathetic, a guy that defends a film against unwarranted attacks or a little fucknut who can't seem to let the fact that he didn't like this movie go? So much so that he comes on to every website that has Superman in the title to spout his hatred?

You sir, are one of the most pathetic people I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. That fact that you only come out of your basement just to piss all over a film that you didn't like, a film that came out almost 6 months ago just shows how sad you truly are. I tell you what, go back in the basement to whack off to your beloved Superman comics, and let the intelligent people handle the debate.

Anonymous said...

thats funny, considering this is an anti-Singer site. You might have a point if he was trolling the SR "butt fuck each other" forums over at Bluetights, but he's not. But because you insist on coming here b/c you cant stand the fact that anyone with half a functioning cortex hated this piece of shit, you look like a moron. Cant you just be secure in your love for the movie and just move on? It's your prerogative if you like it. But you're not confident in your convictions, and you've got to constantly reassure yourself that this movie was good, so you come here constantly to check on what those who are critical of it are saying. Otherwise you wouldnt give two shits about this site. So that makes you an even bigger fanboy tool b/c you're going out of your way to argue with people who dont see things your way.

Anonymous said...

I loved this film and i come here every now and then just to get a feel for a different perspective on the movie. One thing that i don't understand is when some people on here say things like "Anyone that liked this movie is not a true Superman fan". Well how do you define that exactly? Those who are avid comic book readers of Superman, or those who are huge fans of the CR films. I loved Superman 1 and 2 and read the comic pretty faithfully until about 5 years ago. I don't see how you can just generalize people like that.

Anonymous said...

Fanboys of the turd known as SR have been seeking other’s approval for their love of this Singer crap from the start. Remember when Roger Ebert came out with his review? Every Singerman fan board was going on for days about it, as if Ebert speaks the Holy Grail and his approval would have some how validated their love for “My Super Ex-Boyfriend Returns”.

Anonymous said...

Ebert gave Jackass 2 a thumbs up he has no credibilty anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Cant you just be secure in your love for the movie and just move on?"

Fine, when the haters stop flaming discussions on the other boards I'll stop coming here, deal?

Anonymous said...

Ebert also gave X3 two thumbs up, POTC: Dead Man’s Chest and The Devil wears Prada.

Anonymous said...

Prada was a good movie, X3 Sucked as did DMC.

Anonymous said...

"thats funny, considering this is an anti-Singer site. You might have a point if he was trolling the SR "butt fuck each other" forums over at Bluetights, but he's not. But because you insist on coming here b/c you cant stand the fact that anyone with half a functioning cortex hated this piece of shit, you look like a moron. Cant you just be secure in your love for the movie and just move on? It's your prerogative if you like it. But you're not confident in your convictions, and you've got to constantly reassure yourself that this movie was good, so you come here constantly to check on what those who are critical of it are saying. Otherwise you wouldnt give two shits about this site. So that makes you an even bigger fanboy tool b/c you're going out of your way to argue with people who dont see things your way."

Exactly. I bet he feels like an even MORE pathetic fucking loser now.

If I had said I go to "other sites" to talk about how bad this shit-bird was, he would have a point. But since I DIDN'T, he looks like a fucking moron for inferring so. Especially after he admits he comes here to "Defend". The fact he "liked" this turd proves he ain't too bright to begin with.

Anonymous said...

"Fine, when the haters stop flaming discussions on the other boards I'll stop coming here, deal?"

Fuck off, you pathetic fucking loser.

Anonymous said...

Superman Returns word of mouth sucked so bad it couldn’t even hold jock pound for pound to Fox’s 35 million dollar movie that could, The Devil Wear’s Prada.

Anonymous said...

"Superman Returns word of mouth sucked so bad it couldn’t even hold jock pound for pound to Fox’s 35 million dollar movie that could, The Devil Wear’s Prada."

I agree, but you are wrong about the movie's title. It's "The Devil Wears Prada While Kicking Superman Returns Ass".

Anonymous said...

"Ebert gave Jackass 2 a thumbs up he has no credibilty anymore."

Uh huh, except for one thing... he rates movies according to their genres and whether they exceed at what they are attempting or not. I don't know if you even watched the Ebert and Roeper review of the movie but Roeper hated the movie just as much and agreed with everything Ebert said, the only difference was he liked the special effects so he gave it a thumbs up. And why don't you appologists spread those reviews around? Maybe because the only positive reviews for this film were from critics who work with subsidiaries of Time Warner... like... Warner Brothers... get it. Sure there are a few here and there that liked the movie that are unnafiliated, but let me ask you this... if you had just made what was reported to be the most expensive film in history up to that time, would you make your underlings say they liked it? I bet you would. You know who DIDN'T like Superman Returns? Try any NEWSPAPER that ends in the word TIMES. So all of these movie reviewers are idiots also? For every positive review I can find you a negative one, and EVERY positive review I've read of the movie claimed the film was mediocre at best... so what the hell is your point? You appologists are the ones who are making this thing out to be a great movie. It isn't. And if it was- if there had been ANYTHING remotely feeling like it belonged in a Superman film then clips of it would have been inculded with WARNER BROTHER'S "Superman through the Ages" clip at Comic Con last year. But guess which "Superman" was conspicuously absent WHILE the film had just come out in theaters? Even Dean Cain's Superman was in the clip, and I gotta tell you, it's a pretty bad flick that makes you long for Lois and Clark and that Halloween costumed Superman! Who else was there? George Reeves, Max Fleischer's Superman, Kirk Alyn, Tom Welling, Dean Cain, even the New Animated Supes from the Animated Series, and of course CR. And every single clip FELT like Superman. But guess who didn't make an appearance?


Anonymous said...

"Maybe because the only positive reviews for this film were from critics who work with subsidiaries of Time Warner... like... Warner Brothers... get it. Sure there are a few here and there that liked the movie that are unnafiliated, but let me ask you this"

Go fucking blow yourself..I'm sick of your rants. The damn movie has a 76% fresh rating at rotten tomatoes. So your saying that every fucking reviewer that liked it works for Time Warner? Funny, I remember EW giving it an OK review, they didn't praise it to high heaven and they tear into Smallville whenever they need to.

Cgeer15, you make some good points in some of your rants, but saying that most of the reviewers were Time Warner employees is fucking dumb.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Apologists, where are the numbers touting Singerman Peeps the #1 DVD ever, ever, ever? Oh yeah, that's right, it's NOT. In FACT, check Amazon's rankings of the top-selling DVD's on their site. Singerman is a hefty #36! 36! Batman Begins is higher than that, and has been out now for what, a year and a half??

Anonymous said...

"Hey, Apologists, where are the numbers touting Singerman Peeps the #1 DVD ever, ever, ever? Oh yeah, that's right, it's NOT. In FACT, check Amazon's rankings of the top-selling DVD's on their site. Singerman is a hefty #36! 36! Batman Begins is higher than that, and has been out now for what, a year and a half??"

What the fuck do you enjoy making shit up or what? BB 2 disc edition is ranking at almost 1500 on Amazon and the other editions are way lower than that. SR 2 disc edition is ranked 27 right now on Amazon and it was the best selling DVD in America last week not too mention the UK. It is also fairing better by a few mil than what BB did after two weeks in rentals.

Anonymous said...

"What the fuck do you enjoy making shit up or what? BB 2 disc edition is ranking at almost 1500 on Amazon and the other editions are way lower than that. SR 2 disc edition is ranked 27 right now on Amazon and it was the best selling DVD in America last week not too mention the UK. It is also fairing better by a few mil than what BB did after two weeks in rentals."

Hey, fucking retard, Singerman was the "best selling" DVD 2 weeks ago. Stupid Apologist twat. POTC2 came out last week and booted Singerman to obscurity.

And it is #30 on Amazon now, you no-brain piece of dogshit. Pretty hefty fall in 2 weeks, isn't it? Looks like BS won't be back after all, and this is good. High Five!!

Anonymous said...

"And it is #30 on Amazon now, you no-brain piece of dogshit. Pretty hefty fall in 2 weeks, isn't it? Looks like BS won't be back after all, and this is good. High Five!!"

Wow did I just whip your ass, so how do you account for all the made up numbers you claimed about BB jackass. Oh yeah BB is number 36 on Amazon try 1500 dipshit. SR has out rented both BB and X3 when you compare their first 2 weeks. Indications are it also outsold both of them at the same point in their DVD release. I don't know why you seem to be just referring to Amazon as a means of a DVD's popularity but I guess that is just what clueless assholes like you do.

Anonymous said...

"Wow did I just whip your ass, so how do you account for all the made up numbers you claimed about BB jackass. Oh yeah BB is number 36 on Amazon try 1500 dipshit. SR has out rented both BB and X3 when you compare their first 2 weeks. Indications are it also outsold both of them at the same point in their DVD release. I don't know why you seem to be just referring to Amazon as a means of a DVD's popularity but I guess that is just what clueless assholes like you do."

Oh yes, you "whipped my ass" didn't you, retard? Way to ignore the fact this piece of shit dropped off the face of the Earth. And you are totally delusional if you think Singerman has come close to what X3 did. You sad morons will make-up ANYTHING to try to 'Defend" this turd.

Guess what, you fucking tampon? This move is a flop at ALL LEVELS NOW. You held out hope for the DVD, and the people responded EXACTLY how I thought they would. With indifference. It will be a Merry Christmas after all. Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!

Anonymous said...

"Guess what, you fucking tampon? This move is a flop at ALL LEVELS NOW. You held out hope for the DVD, and the people responded EXACTLY how I thought they would. With indifference. It will be a Merry Christmas after all. Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!"

Since you have zero valid points to make backed up by data it is safe to say you are losing the argument. Still waiting to hear your reason for lying your ass off about BB sales numbers on Amazon.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you "whipped my ass" didn't you, retard? Way to ignore the fact this piece of shit dropped off the face of the Earth. And you are totally delusional if you think Singerman has come close to what X3 did. You sad morons will make-up ANYTHING to try to 'Defend" this turd.

Can you read? Because Superman out did Xmen by 2 million dollars in rentals in its first week. How is this making shit up when it's been reported everywhere?

But keep believing that the sequel won't happen if it makes you feel better. When reality strikes you, it's just going to be that much sweeter for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you "whipped my ass" didn't you, retard? Way to ignore the fact this piece of shit dropped off the face of the Earth. And you are totally delusional if you think Singerman has come close to what X3 did. You sad morons will make-up ANYTHING to try to 'Defend" this turd.

Can you read? Because Superman out did Xmen by 2 million dollars in rentals in its first week. How is this making shit up when it's been reported everywhere?

But keep believing that the sequel won't happen if it makes you feel better. When reality strikes you, it's just going to be that much sweeter for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

"Since you have zero valid points to make backed up by data it is safe to say you are losing the argument. Still waiting to hear your reason for lying your ass off about BB sales numbers on Amazon."

Resorting to parroting me? I win.

And you fucking retard, the fact a movie only 2 WEEKS old is #30 on Amazon is proof enough. You sad, sad piece of shit. I'd step on you, but I don't want to besmirch myself with your inanity. Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!

Anonymous said...

"Can you read? Because Superman out did Xmen by 2 million dollars in rentals in its first week. How is this making shit up when it's been reported everywhere?

But keep believing that the sequel won't happen if it makes you feel better. When reality strikes you, it's just going to be that much sweeter for the rest of us."

My god, you Apologist just keep PROVING how stupid you are.

Keep thinking WB is basing their decision regarding a sequel on RENTALS, you fucking shit-stain.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, SR also made more in rentals then Pirates in it's first week. So the people didn't respond like you thought numnuts.

And yes, I'm well aware that Pirates crushed it in sales. But Pirates crushed everything in sales, setting records. In fact it even beat your prescious fucking BB.

And finally do you realise that the rankings are internet only? Or is that concept to big for you pea brained intelligence?

Anonymous said...

"Keep thinking WB is basing their decision regarding a sequel on RENTALS, you fucking shit-stain. "

Of course their not..But it's a good indicator of how popular the movie is with the audience.

Anonymous said...

"Oh yeah, SR also made more in rentals then Pirates in it's first week. So the people didn't respond like you thought numnuts.

And yes, I'm well aware that Pirates crushed it in sales. But Pirates crushed everything in sales, setting records. In fact it even beat your prescious fucking BB.

And finally do you realise that the rankings are internet only? Or is that concept to big for you pea brained intelligence?"

My god, can you morons stop adding more and more proof to your stupidity? NOW you assholes are pinning your fading hopes on RENTALS? Fucking RENTALS? You ass-clowns can't even understand that "The Devil Wears Prada While Kicking Superman Returns Ass" is killing it in DVD sales too!

You delusional ass-fucks are P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C.

Anonymous said...

"Of course their not..But it's a good indicator of how popular the movie is with the audience."

Only to you ignorant "Apologists". Keep thinking this movie was a success, and "everyone" loved it.

The rest of us live in REALITY.

Anonymous said...

"And you fucking retard, the fact a movie only 2 WEEKS old is #30 on Amazon is proof enough. You sad, sad piece of shit. I'd step on you, but I don't want to besmirch myself with your inanity. Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!"

You still have not answered my question WHY DID YOU LIE ABOUT BB SALES NUMBERS ON AMAZON? I told the truth about SR numbers and you lied by a margin of about 1200.

Anonymous said...

"You still have not answered my question WHY DID YOU LIE ABOUT BB SALES NUMBERS ON AMAZON? I told the truth about SR numbers and you lied by a margin of about 1200."

Keep clinging to that floating piece of shit while you, and Singerman Peeps, are flushed down the toilet of life.

Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!

Anonymous said...

"Keep clinging to that floating piece of shit while you, and Singerman Peeps, are flushed down the toilet of life.

Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!"

Still waiting for an answer as to why you lied, are you going to admit to it so we can just call it a day?

Anonymous said...

He'll never answer, because he's just making shit up as he goes to support his stupidity.

"My god, can you morons stop adding more and more proof to your stupidity?"

A fuckwad...AMAZON.COM CHARTS ONLINE MOVIE SALES, NOT IN-STORE SALES. What about that can't you understand?

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming you "Apologist" fucks. I have no reason to "make-up" ANYTHING. YOU retards are rying to "prove" this flop was a "success". is an INDICATOR OF PEOPLE'S INTEREST IN THE FILM SHITHEAD. If your 12 year old brain can't comprehend this, fuck-off. We don't need idiots like you around here.

Anonymous said...

"Keep dreaming you "Apologist" fucks. I have no reason to "make-up" ANYTHING. YOU retards are rying to "prove" this flop was a "success"."

You made up BB numbers on Amazon and you still won't admit to it, you have no credibility whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

"You made up BB numbers on Amazon and you still won't admit to it, you have no credibility whatsoever."

Like ANYONE cares if an "Apologist" thinks they have "credibility" with them. You fuckers lost "credibility" when you were dropped on your heads as a baby.

Singerman Peeps is OFFICIALLY a flop! But then, this isn't news to anyone with a brain.

Fuck you, and fuck Singerman too!

Anonymous said...

"Like ANYONE cares if an "Apologist" thinks they have "credibility" with them. You fuckers lost "credibility" when you were dropped on your heads as a baby."

so in summary based on your child like insults it is clear you are a TROLL and you won't admit to being a liar either, not a good combination.

Anonymous said...

"so in summary based on your child like insults it is clear you are a TROLL and you won't admit to being a liar either, not a good combination."

Good enough to verbally bitch-slap your Emo ass, bitch.

Go worship your Singerman Peeps DVD's, and repeat over and over "It WAS a success, Bryan. It was!".

Anonymous said...

Singer’s vision of Supes obviously isn’t a success otherwise it would be geting the 300 million dollar budget treatment that Rami’s Spiderman is getting.

Instead the second Superman is rumored to be getting a budget slash and more creative control from the studio.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and a 300 mil budget is insane for any movie to have. Spiderman is going to have a bitch of a time trying to make a profit on that when it is opening on top of Pirates and Shrek 3 this summer.

Anonymous said...

Time Warner probably was banking on Superman Returns making money on the level of the second Spidey film otherwise it would have greenlighted Singer with a budget of around 150 the first time around before the added cost of the failed projects.

Anonymous said...

Well the other failed projects were paid off by the time SR rolled around so i don't think that was a factor in their decision. Horn the head of WB said he thought SR should have made 500 mil WW, i bet that is being pretty honest about where they wanted it to end up. It is tough to ask a superhero film to do more than that because with the exception of Spiderman no other Superhero movie has even made 250 mil overseas since 2000.

Anonymous said...

According to Entertainment Weekly which is owned by Time Warner, the sunk cost on the failed Superman projects were not paid off and were added onto the final production cost for Superman Returns.

Superman Returns' price tag is $204 million. Without the Australian tax credits: about $223 million. Add in the bills for Ratner and McG, which will count against Singer's film, and the total comes to an estimated $263 million, plus potentially another $100 million in worldwide marketing costs. As shooting wrapped last fall, Warner Bros. inked a deal to split Superman's production budget with an independent film company that will share in the revenue.
But it's superexpensive, nonetheless. By most reckonings, Superman Returns will likely need to gross over $600 million worldwide to make its money back, a feat only two superhero adaptations have ever accomplished: Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.,6115,1204671-5-5_1||233612|1_,00.html

BTW if the fourth Pirates film does indeed come out in the summer of 2009, it’s going to be another long summer for Supes and he is once again going to feel the Curse of Jack Sparrow.

Anonymous said...

WB's will move heaven and earth to avoid another Pirates movie

Anonymous said...

Spiderman is going to have a bitch of a time trying to make a profit on that when it is opening on top of Pirates and Shrek 3 this summer.

Either that, or all time box office summer records are going to be set in 07!

Anonymous said...

Well if Spiderman is going to need at least 800 million(300million budget + 100 million marketing) to break even then I can't see how that's going to happen with the theatrical release when Johnny Depp is released right after.

Spiderman will do better than SR but I don't think it's going to make its money back against Pirates. But if it does then all kinds of records are going to be set.

Anonymous said...

True, it’s anybody’s guess at this point in time but I think summer 07 is going to be what theaters chains have been hoping and waiting for. The difference between Spiderman, Pirates, and Sherk is they already all have HUGE build in fan bases from previous films and they are all being put out date wise apart from each other (For example X3 this past summer) which will prevent them from being eaten alive by one another unlike Singer’s Superman, BTW as pointed out above even had trouble contending with a low budget major release staring Ann Hathaway.

Anonymous said...

I agree why the hell Spiderman 3 would need a 300 mil budget is beyond me. Spiderman 2 clocked in at 200 mil on the nose and it had tons of action in it. Columbia must be sweating knowing that their release date is right on top of Shrek 3 and Pirates 3 with the budget they are sporting for this movie.

Anonymous said...

Singer is a FAG and Superman Returns was gay

Anonymous said...

Execs at WB must be sweating knowing that they have to put their faith on Singer to fix the mess of a film he made the first time around and the potential of the fourth Pirates film in the same summer again.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure WB will keep an eye on the possible fourth Pirates movie, but it won't be that hard to move the release date if there is going to be a Pirates film..

My guess is that they could always put Superman: Man of Steel in the holiday movie season if there is going to be another Pirates film. Which at this point is anybody's guess.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Box office bombs i bet the new Rocky open and closes in the same weekend.
The new Rocky film made back its entire production budget in less then a week and is tracking to make about a 80 to 85 million dollar gross at the BO, maybe more.

Keep in mind Rocky only cost 24 million dollars to make and is already more profitable in comparison to SR, which made no net profit in its theater run.

Pound for pound Singerman can’t hold jock to Rocky Balboa, guess the people know a real icon when he returns unlike the piss poor imitation that is The Man of Singer.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the "Apologists" wish doom and gloom on every other movie that WILL beat it's gross. I told that idiot he was wrong, and he WAS.

Sylvester Stallone= Respect for his fan-base.

Bryan Singer= Respect for NO ONE but himself and his drug habit.

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