Monday, August 14, 2006

Singerman mentioned in the New York Times

Normally a mention in the Times would be a good thing, but I'm not sure this particular article is one that Singer will be proud of.

Today, the New York Times published an article by David Carr that skewered Hollywood for its portrayal of the Fourth Estate. That kind of essay may not really matter to most people but the readers of this blog might find it a little more interesting since the article chastises Singerman in particular.

It seems that Lois Lane's behavior is something less than Pulitzer worthy....

This summer, even Lois Lane, the archetypal female journalist, not only beds her source but has his child. She is rewarded not with professional ridicule, but with a Pulitzer.


In news that isn't at all related, BJ Routh got a mention in today's LA Times.

Well, sort of.

William Shatner, it seems, is looking for a few good spokespeople.

In the LA Times article, Shatner says this about the winner of the spokesperson search that his DVD Club is sponsoring:

"...This is a chance for passionate fans to be the first to discover the next M. Night Shyamalan or Brandon Routh, and help propel them into stardom..."

If becoming as famous as BJ is part of the prize, I say aspiring actors should probably look into other ways to be discovered.

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